How many degrees is a high fever? How to measure temperature?

How many degrees is a high fever

Few people really know what temperature is considered a high fever; find out how many degrees and how to measure it

When the temperature starts to rise, a lot of things come to mind, don’t they? People run to Google and start looking for more about the topic.

To explain, a high fever is considered when the temperature measured via the armpit is higher than 38ºC . Temperatures close to 38, such as 37.5, can be easily maintained due to heat, clothing, etc.

In most cases, a warm bath, removing warm clothing, or even eating well can help reduce body temperature, but in cases where the fever persists, it is essential to consult a specialist doctor.

In any case, to know if you have a high fever, you can use a thermometer to measure your temperature. Below is a catalog that lists the stages of fever according to the temperature scale.

There are a few ways to measure temperature. The most common are:

  • Digital thermometer:  placed in the armpit, anus or mouth in direct contact with the skin or mucous membranes and wait until the beep sounds to check the temperature;
  • Glass thermometer:  same scheme as the digital one, we must place the thermometer in the armpit, mouth or anus, in direct contact with the skin or mucous membranes, and wait 3 to 5 minutes and then check the temperature;
  • Infrared thermometer:  very common during the Covid-19 pandemic, we must point the tip of the thermometer at the forehead or inside the ear canal and press the button. After the audible alert, check.

How many degrees is a high fever in adults?

Normal body temperature ranges from 35.4ºC to 37.2ºC when measured in the armpit, but it can increase in cases of flu or infection, causing fever. The main variations in body temperature include:

  • Slightly increased temperature , known as “subfebrile”: between 37.5ºC and 38ºC. In these cases, other symptoms usually appear, such as chills, tremors or redness of the face and the first layer of clothing should be removed, a warm bath or water should be taken;
  • Fever:  an axillary temperature above 38ºC. In adults, it may be recommended to take a 1000 mg paracetamol tablet, wear only one layer of clothing or apply cold compresses to the forehead. If the temperature does not decrease after 3 hours, go to the emergency room;
  • High fever : an axillary temperature above 39.6ºC, which should be considered a medical emergency and, therefore, the person should be evaluated by a doctor.

When a person is exposed to the cold for a long time, their temperature may also be lower than normal, that is, lower than 35.4ºC. This is the case of “hypothermia” . In these cases, one should try to remove the source of the cold and warm up with clothing, hot water sources and avoid wind.

What temperature is a fever in babies and children?

The body temperature of babies and children is slightly different from that of adults, varying between 36ºC and 37ºC. The main variations in body temperature in childhood are:

  • Slightly increased temperature:  between 37.1ºC and 37.5ºC. In these cases, you should remove a layer of clothing and take a warm bath;
  • Fever:  anal temperature above 37.8ºC or axillary temperature above 38ºC. In these cases, parents should call the pediatrician to advise on the use of fever medication or the need to go to the emergency room;
  • Low body temperature  (hypothermia) :  temperature below 35.5ºC. In these cases, you should wear an extra layer of clothing and avoid drafts. If the temperature does not increase within 30 minutes, you should go to the emergency room.

Temperature variations and fevers in babies and children are not always due to illness or infection. They can vary due to the amount of clothing worn, teething, a reaction to a vaccine or the temperature of the environment, for example. Therefore, use the techniques discussed and consult a specialist.

When should I take medicine to reduce a fever?

Removing excess clothing and taking a warm bath is a good way to lower your body temperature, but when this is not enough, your doctor may recommend taking an antipyretic to lower a high fever. The most commonly used medicine in these situations is usually paracetamol , which can be taken up to 3 times a day, at intervals of 6 to 8 hours.

In the case of babies and children, fever medication should only be used under the guidance of a pediatrician, as dosages vary greatly depending on weight and age.

How to measure a baby’s temperature?

The baby’s body temperature should also be measured with a thermometer, just like in adults . The ideal place to assess the baby’s temperature more accurately is the anus. Be careful to use a more comfortable thermometer so as not to hurt the baby.

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